Monday, March 05, 2007

No more Girl Scout cookies :(

I only buy Samoas (excuse me, Carmel Delites) because they're the best! I only buy from students that ask me. Which means, I usually only buy 2 boxes. They are already gone this year. I have only allowed myself a small number each day to drag out the yummy goodness as long as possible. They are so good!


  1. You can still call them Samoas. I found out from my college Medical Microbiology professor (who was also a Girl Scout sponsor) that there are actually 2 bakeries that make the cookies. There are varities at one bakery that are not available at the other, and vice versa. The Little Brownie Bakery ( still calls them "Samoas", while the ABC Bakery ( calls them "Caramel Delights"...who knew cookies could be so complicated?

  2. I call them Samoas. It's a KY thang. And all people from KY also know about the bakery thang, too.

    The cookie offerings are different based on the bakery.

    It's not fair.
