Friday, November 30, 2007

A spade IS a spade, right?

Two boys were cheating on today's math quiz. They exchanged hand signals and when one boy finished, he gave his paper to the other boy instead of turning it in. I wrote 0-cheating on the top of each quiz and, after speaking with the boys, marched them down to the office to speak with their parents and an administrator. My administrator told me to take the word "cheating" off the paper, because it can cause quite a parent reaction.

We're not allowed to use the words cheating, lying, stealing or lazy when describing actions or students. She agreed whole-heartedly with me that their actions were cheating. However, I couldn't call it that.

When did a spade stop being a spade?

1 comment:

  1. What do they call it? Unlawful collaboration with intent to commit fraud?
