Thursday, February 08, 2007 it! :)

I love technology. Yesterday was my first night at home in a few weeks and things have been pretty crazy in Alyssa world lately. I used the night at home to catch up on my television watching (very important, I know.) I turned on my laptop, clicked on the little blue e, went to the CBS webpage and watched 3 episodes of NCIS, 1 episode of The Unit and 1 episode of Numbers. (Yes, that's a lot of TV...I was waaaay behind! :) Now, I normally do not need lots of "veg" time and very rarely do I need that veg time in front of the television. (I usually spend it with a book.) But yesterday, I just wanted to sit on my couch and catch up on my favorite shows, doing absolutely nothing else. It was great!

1 comment:

  1. I like those days when you don't have to think about anything more interesting than whether or not you're gonna expend the energy to scratch your side or just wriggle in your seat. Niiiice.
