Monday, February 11, 2008

Out with the old and in with the...

New Shoes!

I cleaned out my closet of shoes yesterday. I got out a trash bag and threw in the shoes I no longer wear. The shoes that don't really fit. The shoes I'm tired of wearing. The shoes that are falling apart. All of them went in a big, black trash bag.

I now only have about 20 pair of shoes. This number includes two pair of lake shoes, two pair of tennis shoes, one pair of incredibly dressy heels, and one pair of flip-flops. This leaves about twelve pair of shoes for everyday wear. Keep in mind that means casual and work attire for all seasons. Out of those twelve, several are only being kept because I don't have anything else to replace them.

This is not enough by any means.

I must go shoe shopping immediately!

1 comment:

  1. I've been gradually doing the same thing in my whole closet. A month or so ago I did the clothes, this weekend I did PJ's and undergarments. When we moved in Aug. I did shoes, but I think I need to do it again. Oh, and 27 Dresses prompted me to give away ALL my bridesmaid dresses to Goodwill. Well, all but the one that is super cute and I have worn 4 times.
