Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Drip, drip, drip

I have a project due tonight by 5pm to my professor. Per the assignment, I worked with a student one on one doing an oral, silent and listening running record. (The student reads and the teacher notates mispronunciations, miscues, repeats, skips, etc.) I worked with a student in my class 3 different times after school to complete the given exercises.

Last night, I sat down to type up the findings. There was a huge storm going on in Houston, for those readers that do not live in our (sort of) coastal city. :) I was saving my work every two minutes or so to make sure a power outage didn't ensure I needed to start completely over (been there, done that, don't want to go back!)

At one point, I get up to get a drink or go to the bathroom or something. When I returned to my computer, it had shut itself down, there were drips all over the keyboard and my coffee table was wet, too. This was by no means the first time this had happened, so I immediately knew my ceiling was leaking due to the weather.

I didn't panic, but moved quickly to get furniture out of the way, dry off the computer, restart it to check on my work and grab pots to put under the drips.

My apartment complex was overjoyed to hear from me this morning.


  1. You sound so calm. I think I might have considered having someone up on the roof during the storm plugging the holes.

  2. The first time it happened, that is exactly how I felt. I called the apt office immediately, spoke to the on-call manager (since it was about 11pm) and my attitude was "come now!"

    However, I have since realized they need to wait for it to dry before they can repair it. Basically, I'm on my own when it comes to water coming out of my ceiling!

    There are now two pots on my living room rug, my coffee table is flush up against the television table and my computer is on the couch.

    They came today to fix it though, so we're getting to be on the up and up!
