Saturday, January 15, 2011


I was at church on Wednesday for a meeting and took a couple of minutes to walk through our church bookstore.  One book caught my eye, The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns.  I wasn't sure exactly what he was referring to regarding "the hole," but I paused in my spirit.  A thousand thoughts flashed through my mind including we, as American Christians, don't always act Christian.

But, in all honesty, it made me uncomfortable.  I didn't pick up the book.  I didn't read the back.  Just the title...and I was uncomfortable, so I moved on.

I read a friend's blog post today.  She and her husband are adopting from Ethiopia and are hoping to bring home their little girl in the next two weeks or so.  She's reading a book right now that is changing her viewpoint on Christian action.  I'll let you read the blogpost.  But you guessed it, the book is The Hole in Our Gospel

Ok, Lord.  I hear you.  I will go get it soon.