Sunday, October 17, 2010

Walk of Faith

Isn't the Lord good? 

He is.  All the time.  Literally.  ALL of the time, the Lord is good.  But sometimes, I forget that.  Or don't trust that.  Or don't walk in the faith of that truth.

As all I've been talking about lately is grad school, why differ from the norm?  I'll give a grad school example of how the Lord was good to me today.  I'll write a different post tomorrow on what the Lord showed me in class tonight, because He is awesome.  But for now, a student's example. 

I turned in a paper two weeks ago.  It was a first draft and was worth 7 points total.  I received the instructor's comments and overall grade added up to 5, but he had the total as 6.  At first, my flesh thought "Hey, he made a mistake...who am I to correct him?"

We are to make revisions based on the instructor's comments and turn it in tomorrow.  I completed that yesterday afternoon and was convicted to email him about the grade disparity.  I just heard back.  He said he gave me an extra point for my overall work and he didn't think a 5 reflected that.  The Lord blessed my obedience by allowing me to hear a compliment.  I've never had a strong self-efficacy regarding my writing and slowly but surely the Lord is using different people to allow me to see a different perspective.  Not only did I truly earn the 6; it wasn't just a typo, but I also received a compliment.  That assignment was really hard, so to hear that the instructor thought I did well was good to hear!

God rocks!

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