Thursday, October 02, 2008


I haven't blogged in awhile.

Yesterday was a pretty rough day at work. My friends are wonderful and the Lord is good at all times!

Campho-Phenique leaks no matter how tightly it's closed. I flew over the weekend and came home with all my bottles of liquid covered in campho. I placed them on a towel on the side of my tub so they could dry out until I had a chance to clean them all up. When I got up to pee in the middle of the night, I accidentally bumped them all into the tub. 2:30 in the morning is not really an appropriate time to be wide awake, but a loud crash usually does that.

I had 65 blogs to read according to Google Reader since I was gone for a few days. Angie Smith (see sidebar) makes me laugh in just about every post. Sometimes I cry too.

Due to the Hurricane and then being out of town, I have several piles of papers to grade and plan to work late to get caught up. The problem is my students create more work to grade each day! I'm feeling pretty behind!

I left my driver's license in the bank teller tube yesterday.

Yesterday was payday. After totalling my paycheck to my bank balance, I have $79. That's not a good number on the day of payday!

Turkey wraps from Jason's Deli are really good!

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