Friday, October 11, 2013

A Mindset Shift

When C first came, I knew within 12 hours that she wasn't going to be here long.  So, when my bed room looked like a Goodwill donation center and the paperwork piled up, I just said to myself, "I'll take care of that after she goes."

And I did.

When J came, I first thought it would be a short period.  Not as short as C, mind you, but still short.  I took care of clothes as needed.  I kept my apartment cleaned and the refrigerator stocked and cleaned out, as needed.  Some of this happened while she was there.  Some of it I scheduled for when she would not be there.  I gradually became used to shopping with her and having her try on clothes and sharing her, very opinionated, thoughts of clothing.

However, there were times I thought, "It's okay to go without sleep or to stock pile the DVR.  I'll have personal time again soon."  I had that same thought about paperwork.

Except part of the problem was that I didn't always realize that was how I was thinking.  It helped when I stopped expecting to sleep through the night.  It helped when she started falling asleep earlier, and I still had some energy, so I could get some things done after she went to sleep.  I could have some "me" time...which is like gold, I tell you!

However, I just realized yesterday that the paperwork has still piled up.  I have a 4" binder that is full and is piled with another 2" of paperwork on top.  I got an email today that a bill is due today.  (I was able to call and pay it over the phone.  Thank goodness!)

My mindset needs to shift.  My life now includes an active 5 year old.  Period.  Not "for a time, it includes an active 5 year old".  I need to be able to, and now feel much more confident that I can, handle paperwork with her there.

What other things do I need to shift my mindset on?

Do you have anything you need to shift your mindset on?

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