Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Japanese Bible anyone?

I am tutoring a little girl who has only been in America about a year. We were reading about ladybugs the other day and Mary came up. (Did you know ladybug is short for 'the Beetle of Our Lady?') The little girl I tutor had not heard of Mary (or Joseph or Jesus.) I've begun mentioning them as often as I can, but when we're working on homework and only meet twice a week, that isn't very often. I'd like to give her family a Japanese Bible for Christmas. I've looked on Amazon and have found some, but they're pretty expensive. Some are $70! I've done some research and found out the best translations. Does anyone know a place (or have a friend or family member) where I can find a nice, new Bible that is a Manga-story Bible or a Japanese Living Bible?

1 comment:

  1. First off let me say I am stoked to hear that you are sharing with them!

    Here are the prices from christianbook.com, one of the cheapest resources online for christian books.

    Manga Bible Story for $40: http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=01798X&netp_id=436213&event=ESRCN&item_code=WW

    Japanese Living Bible for $47:
