Sunday, March 01, 2015

Foster Care: My "Burning Building Why"

As many of you know, I have recently started my own business, Alyssa's Drop Shop.  It has been an exciting time full of learning and building friendships and watching my health and my family's health improve.

I first got into Young Living Essential Oils because J, my foster daughter, was not a good sleeper.  It typically took her an hour and a half to fall asleep and we were up 4-5 times each night anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour.  A friend gave me a bottle of Lavender and told me to put it on J's feet.  I have never liked the smell of Lavender and had no clue how much to use (and felt stupid asking) so I put it in my spice cabinet and practically forgot about it.  (And continued NOT sleeping).  Fast forward about six weeks, it's 1:00a.  We haven't been to sleep yet.  I stumble downstairs and grab the bottle of lavender, willing to try anything at this point.  I put some in my hands and rubbed them on her feet.  She fell asleep a few minutes later, but I was skeptical.  Was it because it was now 1:30 in the morning?  Or was it really the Lavender?  So, the next night I put some more on her feet.  She was asleep in five minutes.  FIVE MINUTES, Y'ALL!  And we were awake only once that night for about 10 minutes.  Um, yes!  YES!  This I can handle!  Lavender is now my favorite smell EVER!  (Not really, but you get the point.)

When I found out that Young Living Essential Oils could also help with my seasonal allergies, I was hooked!  We had some ice days, and I headed over to Chrissy's house.  J played out in the yard with her kiddos while we talked oils.  I enrolled as a wholesale member to get my Premium Starter Kit and enrolled in Essential Rewards to get cheaper shipping and points back for free product.  I was thrilled!  We could start sleeping!  We could have some calmer evenings!  This was huge!

I didn't start pursuing the business avenue of Young Living for another 7 months.  I mean, extra money is great, but I didn't see myself as anyone that could possibly remember enough of how these products work or what to use them for or anything like that.  Our family hadn't been naturally minded previously and this whole new world was opening up and was overwhelming to the extreme!

Well, I started seeing the benefits of YLEOs and I started seeing a little bit of income come in and I started learning about network marketing.  One of the things I started talking about with my team is a "burning building why".  WHY am I pursuing this business?  If I was standing on a rooftop of a building and my children were on a burning building across the way and I only had a small beam to use to get to them, I would not hesitate to save my children.  What is my motivation to grow my YLEO business?  WHY am I pursuing this as a business?

Yes, I love the products.  Yes, I believe in this company and the integrity they stand behind.  Yes, these products have helped my family and me with headaches, sore throats, sinus infections, cramps, sleeping, stress, emotional balance, memory, focusing, weight management, bug bites, scalp psoraisis, cuts, scrapes and so much more.  But, why am I pursuing it as a business?

Well, here's my burning building why.  I want to be a foster mom again.  My entire life I have wanted to be a Stay-At-Home-Mom.  I would love the grocery shopping, meal prep, laundry and homework help.  I would enjoy having a garden and going for bike rides after school.  Of course, traditionally being a SAHM means one is married and one's spouse earns enough income for this to be financially feasible.  Cue the background, in case you don't know, I'm single.  SO.  That's kinda always been a moot point  Not married, so no other income coming in.  And, not married, so no kids.  I mean...dur!

Except, I've been a foster mom as a single and while it was HARD, I now very much know it is possible.

And now a whole new world has opened up to me.  I can be a work at home mom.  I can earn enough income to cover my expenses and those of little ones that the Lord blesses me to know and love for however long they're in my home.  I'm not there yet.  I'm growing my business right now.  But it's coming.  My burning building why is to buy a home, go through the rigor-moral to get licensed again and open up my home to little ones that need love.  Yes, two parents is ideal.  But as a lovingly honest friend once told me: "One healthy parent is better than two abusive ones."  Truth!

So, if you're super skeptical about essential oils, that is A-OK!  I was, too!  If you're interested and have questions, I'd love to help you find answers!  If you're already naturally minded, then great!  But it's okay if you've never even heard the words "essential oil" and have no clue what they're for or how to use them!  I was the same way!

Maybe you also love foster care or adoption and would like to help support that.  I would love to talk to you more about that, too!  I believe the Lord has called us to help the widows and the orphans.  I take that call very seriously and Young Living Essential Oils are helping me to answer it!